When you think of laser vision correction, you probably think of LASIK. However, there are several other options for corrective surgery such as Lensectomy, LASEK, and PRK. At Eyesight Associates, we believe that these options can be better alternatives to LASIK. Here’s why:
The Basics of LASIK
During LASIK surgery, the doctor will use a laser or a blade to make a circular stromal flap in your cornea. After folding back the corneal flap, the surgeon will reshape the corneal tissue with a laser. When the surgery is over, the corneal flap is placed back on your eye. It seals but never truly heals.
How LASEK & PRK Differ from LASIK
PRK and LASEK do not create a stromal corneal flap. Rather, your doctor pushes aside or removes the thin outer layer of skin cells (called the epithelium), then uses a laser to reshape your cornea instead of cutting into it to create the flap. After surgery, you wear a contact lens that will act as a bandage for several days until your eye heals. Because there is no stromal flap the eye is left stronger with less risk of dryness.
Benefits of LASIK Alternatives
Because LASEK and PRK do not create a flap cut in the corneal stroma, these surgeries pose less risk of permanent dryness or weakness of the cornea. Here are a few more ways PRK and LASEK are beneficial alternatives to LASIK:
– LASEK/PRK could be an option for people whose corneas are too thin for LASIK.
– LASEK/PRK lowers the likelihood that too much of your cornea will be removed.
– LASEK/PRK eliminates complications that can arise after cutting the corneal flap.
What if I am not a candidate for laser vision correction?
For some patients there are instances where laser vision correction may not be the best option. Fortunately, Eyesight Associates offers another option called a Lensectomy. As we age, the lens inside our eye loses its ability to focus both near and far. This is called presbyopia.
Most vision correction procedures attempt to change the focusing power of the cornea. A lensectomy can correct presbyopia, nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism by replacing the eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens specifically selected to provide the patient with better vision. Lensectomy is a surgical procedure that uses the same successful techniques of modern cataract surgery.
These surgical techniques have evolved and improved dramatically over the last 20 years. Cataract removal is one of the most common, safest, and most effective operations performed in medicine today. Cataracts are a part of the aging process, and if a person lives long enough chances are he or she will develop cataracts.
People who have lensectomy now will not have to have cataract surgery in the future, providing them a more permanent form of vision correction. The main difference between standard cataract surgery and refractive lensectomy is that cataract surgery is primarily performed to remove a lens opacity that is obstructing and clouding vision. A lensectomy is performed to reduce a person’s dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
To learn more about LASEK, PRK, Lensectomy and whether or not you are a candidate for laser eye surgery, schedule a free screening with Eyesight Associates today.